Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The first part of the manuscript provides a brief historical background on the basic concepts of the algorithm. The relevance of the work with its practical application is described using the example of manufacturing a furniture facade. A link is provided to a detailed description of the algorithm for condensing characteristic terrain lines displayed on topographic maps, with their subsequent visualization in a CAD computer design program. A fragment of a description of the thickening of lines in the manuscript is presented not only in the form of text, but also in graphic drawings. A mathematical model for solving engineering problems related to the geometric construction of lines, points, planes is presented for consideration, using the example of the interaction of computer programs “DTM Section Line”, “Topography” with the display of a longitudinal profile in the sheet model of the nanoCAD program version 5.1 (serial number NC50B-46090). The second part, the manuscript, contains an analysis of the first part and examines the division of the method for solving an engineering problem into types of scientific disciplines. At the end of the second part, in the conclusions section, recommendations for the use of the mathematical model are offered. The following questions are discussed in detail: • joint work of programs; • analysis of calculation schemes, solving problems with the derivation of finite mathematical expressions; • visual display of the longitudinal profile in the form of a picture; • division of the method for solving an engineering problem into types of fundamental scientific disciplines.

modern algorithm, model, ray, plane, analysis of physical-mechanical and physical-chemical properties, longitudinal, profile, digital model cross section.

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