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Abstract (English):
The article examines the problem of improving the quality of subject educational results at an economic university in the interests of sustainable development. The authors noted that the modern unstable world requires a professional in any field to be able to solve new problems in changing circumstances. This makes it necessary to develop a strategy for preparing a competent, mobile and creative worker in the field of education. In this regard, the emphasis in the organization of the educational process naturally shifts from the procedural component to the productive component. At the same time, the significance of the student’s subjective position increases: the integration of his motivational attitudes, social and market demand as a future professional. Based on the analysis of the most important international documents, the principles of education for sustainable development are identified, which are grouped according to their functional orientation. The first group determines the development of the individual (continuity of education, professional culture of interaction, the effectiveness of education, transformative intelligence). The second group provides conditions for personal development (fundamentalization, openness of education, advanced learning, active learning, informatization, monitoring of learning outcomes, etc.). The requirements for the results of subject mathematical training at the University of Economics are determined in the context of the principles of education for sustainable development. Based on the results of the study, a pedagogical experiment was conducted, during which the monitoring of educational results within the disciplines of the subject area “Mathematics” was carried out. The influence of experimental learning (use of case-tasks, project-type tasks) in the course of mathematical training on the level of formation of the components of mathematical competence in the context of ESD principles was studied. The results of pedagogical measurements showed a positive dynamics of the components of mathematical competence, in particular, the motivational and value qualities of future bachelors and masters.

monitoring of educational results, economic education, mathematical competence, sustainable development, education for sustainable development
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