from 01.01.1998 to 01.01.2003
Tambov State University after G. R. Derzhavin (Center for Relations with Public Institutions of the Department for Strategic Communications, Director)
Russian Federation
UDK 32 Политика
GRNTI 11.01 Общие вопросы политических наук
The purpose of this work is to study symbolic space and related practices of space exploration, a complex of tangible and intangible resources in the course of self-organization of modern communities. The main method is a comparative analysis of concepts and theories, which made it possible to analyze current approaches to the conceptualization of the concept of symbolic space and symbolic power. The symbolic dimension, according to the author's position, is the most important, inseparable from the physical and communicative dimensions of the living space of communities and a condition for their self-organization. The author defends the hypothesis of the cementing role of the practices of individual and collective development of space and resources for modern communities. At the same time, the vector of development of material and non-material resources develops from individual human strategies for interacting with reality to group development models and a system of interactions of interested actors and their associations with each other, animate and inanimate objects. The significance of a symbol, myth, ritual in the processes of formation of modern communities, as well as brands as universal units in various functional spheres, including public policy, is demonstrated. The article attempts to analyze individual practices that form the political space of a joint interested being (political co-being). The thesis is put forward regarding the role of the consumer social model in the organization of space and self-organization of communities based on the principles of development. The significance of the work may consist in determining the trends of qualitative processes of self-organization of modern communities, stimulating further conceptualization of the concepts of symbolic space and symbolic power.
symbolic space, mastering, involvement, social capital, political entrepreneurship, self-organization
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