Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The active search for new forms and means of teaching that enrich the teaching process and improve the quality of educational activities has led to the renewal of the arsenal of methodological tools in the methodology of the Russian language. Orientation to the development of students' communicative competence, reliance on system-activity, personality-oriented and communicative-activity approaches, active use of information and communication technologies in the learning process has led to the emergence of innovative forms and methods of communicative teaching of the Russian language. In this context, a virtual tour has become an important and relevant methodological tool. Aim. The purpose of this methodological study is to identify the educational potential of a virtual excursion in the process of communicative teaching of the Russian language. Methods: analysis, generalization, modeling. Results. The formation of this concept in the scientific and methodological literature, the specifics of using virtual excursions in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language and as a native language are analyzed. The methodological potential of virtual excursions is shown, in the process of using which modern educational technologies (design and research and global simulation technology) can be integrated. The linguodidactic potential of virtual excursions for the intellectual, communicative and cultural development of students is described. Scientific novelty. Virtual tour is presented as an innovative form of communicative teaching of the Russian language, as a modern teaching method and as an innovative format of a modern Russian language lesson. Practical significance. The results of this study can be used in the practice of communicative teaching of Russian as a native and as a foreign language.

communicative teaching of the Russian language, virtual tour, teaching method, format of a modern Russian language lesson
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