Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the influence of physical culture on the adaptation of foreign students. Every year the number of students who have arrived in Russia from abroad is becoming more and more. But the problem of adaptation still remains relevant, so the researchers set themselves several tasks. These include: studying the experience of other countries, identifying problem areas of study and offering practical recommendations to improve the adaptation process. Based on the studied reference literature and a survey of students of Kazan universities, it was revealed that physical culture largely contributes to the infusion of students from abroad into the educational process. It also helps to improve physical and psychological health, increase self-esteem, adapt to a new environment and improve social skills. But despite the positive dynamics, there are still unresolved issues that significantly slow down the influx of foreign students into the new environment. These include: insufficient curricula, lack of qualified instructors, language barriers and lack of motivation. Thanks to this study, recommendations for improving physical education classes by foreign students were identified. So an important success factor is not only the process of classes, but also their organization. High-quality physical education should include a variety of sports games and exercises, a certain rhythm and load distribution, a personal approach to each student. But we should not forget that the friendly atmosphere in the classroom allows foreign students to feel more comfortable, reduces stress and increases motivation. In conclusion, the authors recommend using physical education more widely in the process of adaptation of foreign students in higher educational institutions.

adaptation of foreign students, physical culture, methods of social adaptation, university education
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