According to Knight and Cavusgil (2004) a course that can be split to consider the phenomenon of the Born Global, is to accept that the creation of new enterprises is one of the fundamental pillars of the economic and social development of a country, especially those of this type because they allow to successfully address international markets, by the permanent implementation of innovation processes the application of deep knowledge and skills in the field of international undertaking on the part of their owners and through their processes of export, leverage a distinctive mix of strategies and guidelines that make it easier for them to get more successfully to internationalize your products and services, making the process of internationalization of a country, enabling the processes of trade between blocks, regions, countries, etc. Colombia to increase the number of international treaties with various countries in very different latitudes allows you to extend the possibility of participating in a greater crucible of possibilities for trading goods and services; invites us to analyze what is happening at this time with the formation of companies with international orientation in our country; Government policies that support this kind of intentions, the regulatory framework that underpins the processes of enterprise internationalization, among other elements, and its impact on employers, who are facing the challenge of meeting the new global demands. The theoretical basis that occurs, is based on studies on Born Global companies, obtained through interviews to this type of business in the city of Bogotá; such as the innovative capacity of the latter, knowledge of international trade as an alternative to successfully enter foreign markets, a significant number of contacts abroad, international entrepreneurship culture, the permanent search for effects of differentiating its products and services, allowing them to access positions of privilege within market segments in that move.
success, entrepreneurship, internationalization, globalization.
It should be recognized that Born Global companies arouse the attention of researchers in this area since more than 15 years ago from the preliminary developments in this matter of Knight and Madsen and Cavusgil (1996), Servais (1997). The analysis of this type of companies then becomes important field of inquiry, within the literary approaches in the field of international ventures Acs, et al., (2003) McDougall and Oviatt, (2000); Bell, et al., (2003). The fast and sustained growth of early internationalization enterprises is significant in the period, unlike the companies that apply the traditional system of internationalization, whose expansion into foreign markets is slow1. Unlike this last behavior, new companies or newly implemented, be they internationalize more dynamically, or immediately make your birth or creation According to Rialp, et al., (2005).
From the contributions of Rennie (1993) could identify type Born Global companies as one «an organization of business, from the beginning seeks to find significant competitive advantages in the use of resources and the sale of products in several countries» (McDougall and Oviatt (1994), Knight and Cavusgil (1996) with your contribution, identify the Global Born as small or mediumsized enterprises they invest considerable sums in technology, dealing with international markets, as destinations of its products, from its initiation, characterizing them as small enterprises with high-tech, usually with a number of employees not exceeding 500 and no more than the US300.000 annual sales.
Reviewing existing literature, which strengthen the theory that is proposed in this paper, identify topics, as the international venture, in which the Academy of Management Journal 43 (5), 2000 dedicated a unique number, demonstrating once again the importance of this issue, and the growing interest of researchers to delve more into conceptual strengthen this relative new trend of enterprises in the world, hence its importance and the interest aroused in the author of this proposal.
1 Johansson and Valhne (1977, 1990) determined that the process is slow, gradual and sequential that it requires the prior fulfillment of a series of stages. They must first supply the local market and once consolidated position internal, and thanks to the knowledge and experience and the resources obtained, it initiates intervention in foreign markets, especially with that identifies more similarity, in political, trade, border and cultural scenarios, etc. When these scenarios is exceed, it continues the search for new markets with greater complexities or differences.
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