Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper puts forward a hypothesis that in the conditions of the development of the post-industrial economic system, the value of the human capital of highly qualified workers – managers and specialists increases. To test the proposed hypothesis, the value of human capital was measured by the wages of workers. We used Rosstat data on the average accrued wages of employees based on the results of sample surveys of organizations for the period 2005 to 2021. The results of modeling the dynamics of the wage level of various categories of workers employed in the Russian economy show that the trends in changes in the value of their labor are contradictory. It has been established that the level of remuneration of managers and specialists is growing, while the level of remuneration of skilled workers is falling. These trends correspond to the patterns of development of the post-industrial economy. The level of remuneration of unskilled workers in the study period is growing, which contradicts the patterns of development of the post-industrial economy.

post-industrial system, wage level, managers, specialists, workers

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