Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Quite a lot of works are devoted to the study of creolized texts, in which the structure of such texts is investigated, as well as their impact on the recipient, verbal features and visual characteristics are revealed. Aim. The main purpose of this study is to study the polycode creolized text of the demotivator, visually and/or verbally related to culinary and gastronomic topics, from the point of view of the value aspect and actualization of certain axiological dominants existing in the modern world. Methodology and research methods. Demotivators thematically related to the field of gastronomy served as the material for the study. The main research methods are semantic, descriptive, as well as analysis and systematization of the material. Results. Special attention is paid to two types of demotivators: demotivators of the weight-reflexive type and those one in which social status is marked (the group is considered on the example of students). It was revealed that the first type reflects modern stereotypes about proper nutrition, harmful and healthy foods, and meal times. In the second type, the main qualities and traits of students are marked, namely, they investigate how such components as 1) poverty / affluence are displayed with the help of food, 2) hunger / satiety and connection with intellectual abilities, 3) study / work. Scientific novelty. The novelty of the work is connected with the definition of the value properties of household items, using the example of culinary / food preferences of the subject of communication, as well as with the emphasis on existing modern stereotypes and axiological guidelines in the field of nutrition and beyond. Practical significance. The materials and conclusions of this work can be used in the development of courses on media and Internet communication, lexicology and active processes of the modern Russian language.

demotivator, polymodal / creolized text, verbal component, non-verbal component, culinary and gastronomic code, culinary demotivator

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