Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to revealing the correlation between different types of communicative influence in interpersonal and mass communication. The relevance lies in the definition of the term "information-psychological impact", which eliminates the gap in the science of language, resulting from the expansion of the impact essence on the addressee beyond the purely verbal, and combines both linguistic and audiovisual means, the former implementing the verbal, and the latter – non-verbal impact. Aim. To examine the relationship between communicative, psychological and information-psychological influences and define their conditional mutual boundaries in the context of interpersonal and mass communication. Methodology and research methods. The study is based on an analysis of sources on communication theory, psychology, psycholinguistics, verbal impact linguistics, as well as information warfare and information-psychological influence. The methods of functional, communicative-pragmatic and synchronic-diachronic analysis are used. The work uses predominantly inductive-descriptive and comparative methods of presentation. Results. The generic concept among the analyzed types of influence is communicative, which is associated with any type of information exchange, including those beyond the limits of verbal and audiovisual tools. Within the framework of verbal and non-verbal communication, the impact of the information subject can acquire a psychological character, if the mental state, social attitudes or psychological characteristics of the recipient relating to his activity, consciousness or personality are affected. Within the framework of mass communication, we should talk about the impact on the recipient's psyche by means of mass information – information-psychological impact. Scientific novelty. Within the framework of communication theory, information-psychological warfare linguistics and applied linguistics in general, a definition of information-psychological influence is introduced, its essence is established and its main characteristics are noted. Practical significance. The introduction of this term eliminates the terminological polyvalence that exists in communicative science regarding various types of impact, and from an applied point of view will make it possible to identify patterns of use of linguistic and extralinguistic means in media texts, as well as to analyse media materials related to the category of information and psychological weapons.

communicative impact, psychological impact, information-psychological impact, media space, mass communication, communicator, recipient

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