Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Creating actual texts is a sort of a longterm linguistic experiment, whose product is a source of material, primarily, lexical and word-formational innovations, to be analyzed for understanding the developments occurring within a “revived” language system and for identifying the role of systemic factors and individual creativity within the given inventory of forms and norms of a language system. The linguistic material from new Latin texts were compared with the results development of Latin borrowings in English. At the same time the number of users of this revived language and artificial nature of the examined linguistic activity impose a critical limitation on possible conslusions. Obviously, vocabulary choice and coinage of new terms to denote modern realia in these new Latin news texts are subject to individual authors’ preference and are sometimes arbitrary. Furthermore, in coining innovations the authors of texts in question are inevitably guided by their native language. As a result, the innovations in “New Latin” show some features more typical for Modern European languages, besides, the basic trends of development within the group of Latin borrowings in English were found to differ from those occurring in the examined lexicon of new Latin texts.

new Latin text, mass media texts, Latin borrowings, derivation, language system, English, coinage

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