Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Personnel management at an enterprise using the potential of coaching seems to be a promising direction in the activity of a manager in personnel career management. Relevant is the definition of new HR-decisions on the implementation of this process in the practice of functioning of the enterprise’s personnel management. In the theoretical part of the study, the definitions of career, coaching, and the goals of coaching are considered. The process of transformation of the personnel career management system in the application of career coaching technologies is analyzed. The problem is that the use of traditional tools in career management is losing its relevance and does not play a decisive role in the choice of career building strategies by employees. At the same time, the role of corporate coaching is growing in the field of professional development, which is becoming an effective tool for developing organizational culture and non-material motivation of employees. The purpose of the study is to reveal the potential of coaching in personnel career management and to develop recommendations for the use of coaching in the corporate system of personnel career management. In the practical part, a study was made of the level of satisfaction of employees of large and medium-sized enterprises in the Tyumen region with a career management system. By the method of interviewing, the reasons for the departure of promising employees from companies were studied and analyzed. Based on the data obtained, practical recommendations were developed for the use of coaching in the corporate system of personnel career management. The novelty of the study lies in the theoretical substantiation and development of the main provisions for using the potential of coaching in personnel career management. The practical significance of the study is the possibility of further realization of the potential of coaching in managing the career of the enterprise personnel.

personnel management, coaching, coaching tools, career, career management, personnel management system
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