Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes pilot studies of personnel risks, professional motivation and organizational closeness. All studies relate to significant problems in the field of human resource management of modern organizations. The novelty of this work is determined by the strategy of personnel analysis not as an object of managerial influence, but as an active subject in the system of organizational relations. The study of the organization from the standpoint of the subjective perceptions of the employees made it possible to identify a separate type of personnel risk due to the personality and thinking of the employee. The developed methodology for assessing subjective risks in an organization made it possible to identify areas of uncertainty in the subjective perceptions of personnel about the organization as sources of potential conflicts and security threats. The study of professional motivation shows the complexity of the structure of professional motivation of staff, which is specifically regulated by the functions of locomotion and evaluation. The analysis of the perception of the closedness of the organization found that certain management practices will contribute to the closeness of the new experience among employees, the rejection of organizational changes and a decrease in job satisfaction. The article defines the practical significance of each empirical study. The conclusions discuss the possibility of training an extended strategy for researching the personnel of organizations of future specialists and managers, as well as the relevance of the tasks of effective human resource management.

human resource management, subjective perceptions, personnel risks, professional motivation, organizational closeness, commercial organization
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