Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Демография. Социология. Статистика
UDK 30 Теория, методология и методы общественных наук в целом. Социография
The article examines the impact of the Japanese education system on the development of the child's psyche and its content. She pays great attention to the principles that underlie Japanese education. The research is carried out by analyzing such issues as the emotional load associated with the meth-ods and traditions of upbringing, as well as studying what traits are formed in a person brought up in such an environment. The main part of the article includes a detailed description of how Japanese traditions influence modern pedagogical and educational practices. Various methods of educating girls and boys are considered in detail, paying special attention to the age characteristics of each child. The final part of the article briefly summarizes the essence of the Japanese nutrition system and its impact on the child's psyche. At the same time, she also adds new aspects, revealing addi-tional consequences of Japanese upbringing for the child. It is noted that along with positive aspects such as discipline, self-discipline and diligence, Japanese upbringing can also influence the for-mation of a high degree of conformity and the desire for collectivism in children. These factors can have both positive and negative effects on the development of the child's personality, and require additional study and understanding. Thus, this article sheds light on the important aspects of Japa-nese upbringing and its impact on the child's psyche. It allows us to better understand the features of this system and its impact on personality development, and also emphasizes the need for further re-search in this area.
Japanese upbringing, traditions, child's psyche, upbringing
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