Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
At prompt development of informatization of production the role of engineering education significantly increases. Graphic disciplines on technical specialties of higher education institution are the first professionally focused disciplines which are actively influencing formation of competences of future experts. Many problems of improvement of quality of development of difficult courses of university programs can be solved by use of effective forms of education. Realization of competence-based approach in the higher education demands wide use of active and interactive forms of carrying out occupations in combination with independent work of students for formation and development of the professional skills which are trained. Independent work has to bear not only reproductive functions on fixing of the passable material, but also to induce students to active self-education, creative preparation for effective professional activity. Use of computer graphic tasks with entertaining elements when training students in graphic disciplines promotes increase of level of informative activity of students, development of creative abilities and profound studying of a subject. The new original graphic task on descriptive geometry with use of computer technologies for students of auto makers is offered. The graphic task consists in creation of electronic model of the car as solid-object one of two developed ways of modeling. In the course of performance of a task students solve the main geometrical objectives by definition of a form and constructive and geometrical parameters of the spatial objects entering a car design and in parallel master 3D modeling in AutoCAD or Solid Works packages. It is proved that inclusion in educational process of the graphic task developed taking into account a professional orientation trained, increases its efficiency. The task performed during the first semester promotes fixing and profound studying of fundamentals of descriptive geometry and development of computer graphics. It can be used when studying 3D computer geometrical modeling for students of the technical directions.
the geosubway –- graphic preparation, independent work, a professional orientation, the car, model, a surface, 3D computer graphics.
Многие проблемы повышения качества освоения сложных курсов университетских программ могут быть решены путем использования эффективных форм обучения. Реализация компетентностного подхода в высшем образовании требует широкого использования активных и интерактивных форм проведения занятий в сочетании с самостоятельной работой студентов для формирования и развития профессиональных навыков обучающихся [3; 6; 18; 22–24].
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