Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers various ways to construct the intersection curves of surfaces, available in the scientific literature. The analysis shows that the exact build intersection surfaces finds extensive practical application when designing constructions from sheet material, which must be built. In this case, the accuracy of manufacturing elements construction depends largely on the accuracy of the projections of the intersection of surfaces on an integrated drawing. In this work the examples build the intersection of several complex surfaces 2nd order among themselves and with the curve line using 2D and 3D technologies. In this case, the accuracy of manufacturing elements construction depends largely on the accuracy of the projections of the intersection of surfaces on an integrated drawing. In this work the examples build the intersection of several complex surfaces 2nd order among themselves and with the curve line using 2D and 3D technologies. Provides an algorithm of building solid model of certain surfaces, which significantly reduces the time to solving problems at the intersection of the surfaces, making visibility into the solution, create a realistic model of the object. In General, this work demonstrates that one of the stages of further reform in teaching descriptive geometry is the evolutionary path of development, outlining the many issues (e.g., intersection of surfaces) using electronic kuhlmann. In this case, students will receive a decision not by pushing buttons, and applying the methods of descriptive geometry, simultaneously developing spatial imagination and computer skills are already in the first year. And the final stage of teaching descriptive geometry will transition to 3D modelling, when the above tasks will instantly and clearly resolved by simply pressing buttons.

descriptive geometry, the line crossing, surface of the 2nd order, COMPASS-Chart, 2D technology, 3D modeling, solid surface model.

Кривые поверхности широко применяются в науке и технике. Построение линии пересечения поверхностей рассмотрено в многочисленных научных статьях, диссертациях [2; 3; 13; 14; 17–19; 22; 24; 25; 30; 31].

В работе [3] рассматривается построение линии пересечения нелинейчатых поверхностей 2-го порядка при скрещивающихся осях методом подобия. Автор справедливо отмечает, что построение линии пересечения таких поверхностей представляет значительную сложность и обойтись без построения кривых 2-го порядка при использовании вспомогательных секущих плоскостей не всегда удается.


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