Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article aims to present the experience of the development of educational and methodical complex for accompanying graphic training of students of Perm national research Polytechnic University. In the heart of the development methodology are competence-based approach, the unification of subject training level in the GEF VPO and modular organization of educational process. A review of the scientific and pedagogical literature and analyzed the experience of the graphic training of students at the technical University. The structure of educational and methodical complex of discipline and justified a resource for the individual units of the complex. In modern conditions the quality of education is determined through the structure of relationships among elements of achievable learning outcomes as a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, possessions. An important task of the teacher is to create learning environments, partially simulating actual professional activity of a graduate to obtain the planned curriculum learning outcomes. Need to reorganize all forms of learning, including lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, independent activities of the trainees and how the integration of individual learning outcomes, – research work of students. When designing tasks for independent work of students used the principle of individualization of learning. When performing tasks, it is possible to choose a student´s trajectory of project development, including the choice of level of complexity, technological implementation and presentation of the finished project. Control and diagnostic unit includes the materials developed for the assessment activities at different stages of the educational process. The description of the applied controls, and provides specific examples of assessment of learning outcomes. For effective organization level graphic training of students of the University have developed a "road map" methodological support of educational activity of students. It allows teachers to efficiently use the available educational resources of the educational-methodical complex. The experience methodological support to effectively implement the educational process in the graphic disciplines, to improve graphic skills and to build the students planned the substantive competence.

graphic training, training-methodical complex of discipline, methodological support, the "road map".

Реформирование системы высшего образования в России и переход на компетентностный формат обучения обусловили пересмотр учебных программ предметного обучения студентов и обновление учебного методических комплексов (УМК), сопровождающих освоение вузовских дисциплин. Современный УМК в условиях сокращения учебных часов, отводимых на изучение дисциплины при переходе на бакалавриат, с целью компенсации потерь результативности в обучении наряду с традиционными технологиями должен быть сориентирован на инновационные подходы в сопровождении учебной деятельности студентов [16; 18; 20].


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