Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article includes theoretical and practical issues of facilitation defined as increasing the efficiency of the group. The relevance of the chosen topic of article determine by two aspects: 1) the almost complete lack of information on this topic in Russia; 2) a number of emerging organizational procedural issues in a strategic planning, development of the image, discussing a concept of a selected campaign, in a meeting of shareholders and etc. There are «How to take into account the views of all participants?», «How to take these views into acceptable to all participants variant?», «How to create an action plan, adequate for people opportunity who should implement all developments?», «How to not delve into the discussion and never ending negotiation?», «How to avoid violent conflicts during the information exchange?», «How to find the optimal mode for all approvals?». The answer to these questions is possible to find using facilitation technology which is common in the West theory. Namely facilitation development and using facilitation technique in Russia, definition of facilitation, facilitation steps, information about facilitator and his role, methods of facilitation, criteria of facilitation methods and questionnaire for facilitation.

human resources management, facilitation, facilitator, facilitation methods, facilitation questionnaire, learning and development.


While in developed countries technology of works with groups developed since the 60s and are widely used in the last few decades, in Russia this process is not developed. Over the last decade, developed dozens of facilitation methods for small and large groups, which are successfully used in the process of institutional and social change in various communities around the world. Pioneers in the field of the facilitation development as a special process are North American and Australian psychologists. For example, Marvin Weisbord, Ronald Lippitt, Eva Schindler-Rainman, Eric Trist and Fred Emery, etc. In European countries are widespread next facilitation methods created in America since 2000s — Future Search, Open Space Technology, Real Time Strategic Change, Appreciative Inquiry Summit [15]. At the same time European researchers and practitioners created new technologies, e.g. Project Retrospectives by Norman Kerth [7].

Unfortunately, in Russia facilitation technology are known only to a limited number of practitioners. Although some methods of facilitation begin to spread in Russia because of their efforts since 2000s. Periodically in Moscow held training and practical conference dedicated to the issues of facilitation. The most common technologies used by domestic consultants and business coaches are Open Space Technology, Future Search, Dynamic Facilitation, World Café.


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