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Abstract (English):
We have used data from the space telescope SOHO/EIT and the spectrometer VEIS on the Wind spacecraft to compare the solar wind (SW) speed near Earth's orbit with changes in the area of polar coronal holes (CHs) on the Sun during the 1996 solar activity minimum. We have found that in March 1996 the SW speed correlated with the southern CH area by a factor of 0.64. In September and October 1996, a correlation was revealed between the SW speed and the area of the northern CH (the coefficients are 0.64 and 0.85 respectively). We believe that this confirms the assumption that the solar wind from polar CHs can penetrate into the ecliptic plane at solar minimum. The SW speed was 460–500 km/s, which is lower than that from equatorial CHs (600–700 km/s).

coronal holes, solar wind, solar cycle
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