Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the beginning of the work, a brief review of the articles of the current thematic issue of the «Journal of Political Research», devoted to political aspects and problems of the worldview phenomenon, is presented. At the same time, the main goal of the article is to study the features of the construction of digital ecumene on the example of the Russian and Chinese states-civilizations. The methodological optics of this article is the principles of comparative analysis, based on the comparison of the same order, similar political phenomena, processes and phenomena. The methodological optics of this article is the principles of comparative analysis, based on the comparison of the same order, similar political phenomena, processes and phenomena. These were the state-civilizations, their civilizational features, as well as the methods of constructing their digital ecumene (state policy of foreign broadcasting; strategic regulatory documents related to the information sphere; digital diplomacy). The features of the state-civilization as a specific form of polity are compared and clarified. Also, an attempt was made to conceptualize the phenomenon of the digital ecumene – a system of news agencies, corporations, Internet resources, radio, television, leading media activity in other countries to position and protect the interests, value-civilizational, political, economic agenda of the states that created it. Such a conceptualization is based on the reception of Antiquity and correlates with the understanding of the ecumene as a sphere of influence of the state through digital technologies and communications. Such a reception also presupposes the preservation of the civilizational meaning of the ecumene. It is concluded that civilizational states have sufficient resources to maintain digital ecumene as new fields of technological and cultural strategic actions that can protect the integrity of their own civilizational cores. It has been suggested that the civilizational uncompromisingness of the West, its strategy of divide et impera, will most likely contribute to the strengthening of such a form of polity as a state-civilization. In the conditions of the existing geopolitical turbulence, the states-civilizations can focus on building a new, more just system of international relations based on the settlement of political, religious and ethnic conflicts, rather than their escalation and conservation.

state-civilization, digital ecumene, worldview, civilization, foreign broadcasting, digital diplomacy, ecumene, Russia, China, West
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