Russian Federation
Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education (Postgraduate Student)
Russian Federation
UDK 37.035.2 Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, товарищества, дружбы и коллективизма
UDK 37.018.2 Воспитание в школе. Школьное воспитание
The article discusses the conditions and means of forming a team in elementary school. As the main aspects, three levels of its development are singled out: a diffuse group, a community, and, in fact, a collective. The criteria for the manifestation of the educational team in the child-adult community are characterized: the general circle, the formation of the class asset, mentoring, the rating system, discipline and self-organization, activity, goal-setting, team building, emotional involvement, the emotional background of the class. Three possible positions of the teacher when working with the class team are identified: authoritarianism, co-management, self-management.
upbringing, younger schoolchildren, diffuse group, team, levels of team development, child-adult community.
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