Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article deals with issues affecting philosophical, educational, cultural and social aspects of the study paradigm of modern education, given the fact that today educational polyparadigm of has actualized: existing scientific paradigms complement each other, converge and have cultural and historical continuity. The author emphasizes that the definition and justification of the modern educational paradigm certainly requires compliance with a number of requirements, the account of which effectively explains and predicts the processes of development of the education system which are themselves the principles of construction of educational paradigms. It is stated that the concept of the paradigm of educational revolutionis seen as very productive in the analysis of the state of education in the context of globalization and internationalization of the world. Stressing the paradigmatic education, more precisely, its poly-paradigm essence, the author emphasizes that a single, integrated educational paradigm relevant to this modernity and developed by scientific community is seen etiologically impossible; reason, in his opinion, lies in the pluralistic nature of our time – if it is plural, respectively, models and mechanisms of assimilation of modernity must be equally multiple and diverse. The author concludes that the existence of a pluralistic modernity requires the simultaneous co-existence of many modern paradigms of education, each of which provides the necessary unanimityof any of educational project in specific socio-political, national, cultural, material and economic, administrative and legal conditions.

education, paradigm, society, culture, identity, pluralism, future.

Чем глубже и содержательнее социальные трансформации, тем более важным представляется потенциал фундаментальных знаний, необходимых человеку, поскольку в процессе глубинных трансформаций общественной жизни крайне важным является одновременное реагирование на разных уровнях социальной жизни. Выбор и реализация не популистского, но четко определенного и научно обоснованного стратегического курса общественной жизни в масштабах всей страны, представляется реальным только при наличии подготовленных для этого людей – образованных, культурных, ответственных, социально активных и высокоморальных.


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