Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author analyzes legislative, theoretical and practical levels of suspicion and charge enforcement. The author identifies problems of understanding the concepts of suspicion and charge: during theoretical and legislative classification of these categories the author identifies the absence of sound differences in their essence. The author considers foreign experience in realization of the suspicion and charge statuses in criminal remedial activities. The author comes to the conclusion that on the one hand, the suspicion, due to its procedural demand and importance has the right for independent theoretical development and independent legal regulation and on the other hand, it can be considered as an alternative to charge, since the latter cannot be considered to be the only possible basis for a transfer of a criminal case to a court. The author also accepts the variant when suspicion takes principal procedural time and the charge is defined at the end of criminal proceedings when the case is transferred to a court to be considered on the merits.

Suspicion, suspect, charge, accused, range of problems, legislation.

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