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Abstract (English):
In the conditions of international integration of national economies, the construction of education systems is also characterized by a focus on the establishment of uniform international standards. At the same time, each country has its own national characteristics, which are reflected in the construction of the education system, the implementation of training specialists in various fields of activity. Currently, there is an expansion of areas of cooperation between Russia and China. Cooperation takes on new forms and new aspects of interaction. The education system of Russia in the context of changing socio-economic development and the situation in the international arena, changes in interaction with various countries, requires reform of higher education, since it underlies the training of specialists capable of representing the interests of the country in the international arena. The development of international mobility programs for modern higher education in Russia and China makes the problem of studying the specifics of educational conditions in different countries and cultures extremely relevant. The countries have common borders and long-standing ties. They are characterized by interaction in all areas and directions: cultural, socio-economic, political. China is currently actively developing in the field of technology. This makes it possible to use the experience of training specialists, the methodology of organizing training in higher educational institutions and the development of curricula for higher professional education. The educational process should not only contribute to the training of specialists capable of developing international cooperation between Russia and China, but also form an objective idea of the ideological, intellectual, historical and cultural potential of the peoples of these states.

education system, higher education, professional training, training of specialists, education
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