Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Some technological operations – stump extraction, preparation of forest roads are made by machines based on powerful caterpillar tractors. One of the problematic units of caterpillar tractors is band brakes of "dry" friction. Typically, friction tape must be changed after two ТО-3. Belt shoe brakes, working in oil, have higher durability (at least one order of magnitude). Apart from the choice of a special friction material for such a brake oil supply system must be ensured and special oil ducts on the working surfaces of the pads. In the literature several fundamental configurations of ducts are known. We, together with specialists from Cheboksary Industrial Tractor Plant have selected cruciform shape of cutting ducts. Due to a variety of factors and difficulties passing on the cutting-friction contact of phenomena analytical method for the selection of the geometry of ducts is difficult. We used full-scale experiment with the previously selected friction asbestos polymer material no. 410-120. Tests were conducted on a combined stand. To simplify this type of test we used not the whole belt of the four pads, but only one pad. To do this, stand design was modified; strain-gage chain was changed to record braking torque. The tests were carried out under braking stops. Different geometries of oil ducts on the different modes of operation were explored. The following parameters were varied: the density of cutting; the width of the ducts; depth of the ducts; angle to the axis of the ducts. Frictional properties and the temperature at the friction surface were evaluated. The best performances of ducts cutting were chosen after tests. mm; mm; mm ; . The results of the work are introduced in production.

friction, oil film, equipment, optimization.

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