Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The paper considers a methodological system for the development of students' intellectual abilities in the process of preparing for Olympiads in descriptive geometry. In accordance with this system, a detailed calendar plan for conducting training sessions for the regional Olympiad in descriptive geometry is presented. The paper is also about the methodological system for preparing and holding a university, city and regional student Olympiads in graphic disciplines. The requirements for the choice of tasks for university Olympiads in descriptive geometry, instructions for holding university Olympiads are given. The paper provides information, including historical information, about the Moscow City Olympiad in descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics. To assess the level of organization of city and regional student Olympiads, in particular, the Moscow City Olympiads, a criterion and dependence for its determination are proposed. It was proposed the determination method of the composition of the university team for participation in the regional Olympiad in descriptive geometry is proposed based on four criteria: 1) the sum of points received for solving Olympiad tasks of previous years in the classroom; 2) the sum of points received for solving homework tasks; 3) the sum of points for two rounds of the University Olympiad; 4) integral indicator. The methodological system of preparation and holding of the All-Russian student Olympiads in graphic disciplines is considered. To assess the level of organization of the All-Russian Student Olympiad, a criterion is proposed, which is determined by the sum of four parameters: 1) the number of participating universities; 2) the number of participating students divided by ten; 3) the number of subjects of the Russian Federation (regions) represented at the Olympiad; 4) the number of federal districts of the Russian Federation represented at the Olympiad. The All-Russian Student Olympiads in graphic disciplines, which have been held by RTU MIREA since 1999 (until 2015, Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov), are briefly considered. It was noted that 83 universities from the Russian Federation and one foreign university took part in these Olympiads.
Olympiad, regional Olympiad, All-Russian Olympiad, descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, computer graphics, university Olympiad, intellectual abilities, methodological system, success criterion
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