Osh, Kyrgyzstan
Osh, Kyrgyzstan
The article is devoted to the study of the role of the subjects of the educational process in the development of the master's educational program "550200 Physics and Mathematics Education". At Osh State University, where this program is being implemented, the process of monitoring, evaluating, improving the competence of undergraduates and the teaching staff of the EP is carried out on a regular basis. A mechanism and criteria for a systematic assessment of competence have been developed: the use of student-centered teaching methods, the expansion of academic mobility programs, university-wide online surveys of undergraduates allow you to effectively organize the educational process; visits and mutual attendance of classes by teachers and employees of the Department Education Quality of Osh State University, continuous improvement of scientific potential, qualifications, participation in external evaluation procedures lead to a positive development of the program.
physics and mathematics education, program, master, students, professors and teachers of the faculty, teaching technologies
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