Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to an analytical review of the current investigative state in the field of development of the problem of conceptualization of the fundamental nature of time. A promising direction of research is determined which is adapted to the use of the third ability of cognition - introception. The ability of introception exists along with sensory perception and abstract thinking its value lies in the possibility at the level of mystical experience, to awaken to the acquisition of transcendental knowledge through identity. Thus, it is possible to awaken to a direct experience of the fundamental nature of time for the purpose of subsequent conceptualization. An analysis is made of the materiocentrical con-cepts of time known to science, which postulate the fundamental existence of time in an integral relationship with material objects. The author's vision of the conceptual nature of time is presented in the form of an entropy-negentropy duo-stream, where entropy is the extraverted part of the time process associated with the material world, negentropy is the introverted part of the time process associated with the inner world of the subject. The necessity of introducing and considering the subject as an integral conceptual element of the fundamental nature of time, on which the reality of its existence in principle, and the very semantic purpose of time as such, depends is substantiated.

time, time conception, subject, introception, materiocentrical time, entropy, psychological time, negentropy
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