Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Realizing the realities of the systems of third type – STT is gradually approaching the society of “skeptical” scientists, i.e. firm supporters of determinism and stochastic. Therefore the need for a brief presentation of the third paradigm of theory of chaos and self-organization in all their diversity increases many times. It is possible to express the hope that this will lead to a change in not only science but also in consciousness (view of the natural world). The proof of differences of theory of chaos and self-organization (TCS), objects (STT) from objects of deterministic and stochastic approaches (paradigms) – DSP is needed. Furthermore, a demonstration of pointlessness use of methods and theories of DSP in describing the STT. These all requires the synergy of mutual tolerance by all scientists. We must move away from the revolution in T. Kuhn’s paradigm shift to synergy and parallel existence of three global paradigms (deterministic, stochastic and third – syn-ergetic). As in nature, there are (and will be) three types of systems and in science there should be three different approaches, three paradigms. V.S. Stepin talked about these things representing postnonclassic.

noosphere, chaos, self-organization, attractor, phase space.

Перед создателями нового направления в изучении сложных биосистем стоит чисто научная задача: кратко, абстрактно, но и доказательно (!) представить аргументы в пользу реальности систем третьего типа (СТТ), а также представить возможности их моделирования и ответить на главный вопрос всей третьей глобальной парадигмы: «Как описывать СТТ, как прогнозировать хаос СТТ?» Однако, первый вопрос всё-таки остается наиболее актуальным – это вопрос о реальности СТТ, а потом уже о возможности их моделирования.

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