An irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract with impaired motor skills, absorbing function and permeability of the intestine. Clinical symptoms of the disease don’t allow the doctor to make a differential diagnosis without sophisticated research tools and prescribe treatment. This study was devoted the comparative evaluation of clinical activity and the level of calprotectin in patients with organic and functional pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The study included 40 patients with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea. Colonoscopy with histological examination of biopsy specimens and determination of a faecal calprotectin was performed. The concentration of calprotectin in feces was determined in all patients and was evaluated according to the clinical disease activity, extent of injury and activity of the inflammatory process in the intestine. The concentration of calprotectin in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea conformed to the value of 24.6±2.4 µg/g, which is significantly lower values, than in patients with ulcerative colitis. Application of non-invasive markers of the inflammatory process will allow the doctors to solve common problems in diagnosis, to improve the effectiveness of supplementary opportunities and prospects of further expansion of the indications for colonoscopy and other endoscopic research.
ulcerative colitis, calprotectin, inflammatory bowel disease.
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