Glazov, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
The effective method of developing students' physical thinking consists in solving specially selected tasks presented by the teacher in accordance with the principle «from simple to complex». Therefore, the development of methods for assessing the didactic complexity of physical tasks is an urgent problem of didactics. Its resolution will optimize the learning process and knowledge control, quickly and correctly determine the didactic complexity of tasks for the Unified State Exam, physical Olympiads, various task books and test materials. It is established that the didactic complexity of the physics tasks consists of physical, mathematical and computational complexity. To evaluate the numerical components of complexity, it is necessary: 1) formulate the task condition so that it briefly and at the same time fully reflects the analyzed physical situ-ation; 2) write out 5 key terms – the most complex scientific concepts used in solving the physics task; 3) write down the formulas used and the result obtained in general form; 4) create a file in which physical formulas, mathematical reasoning, calculations are verbally encoded in the form of separate sentences; 5) analyze the text file using the special program, determine the overall semantic complexity and the coefficient of in-formation folding; 6) calculate the physical, mathematical and computational complexity by summing up the complexity of the corresponding terms and ordinary words. This will determine the didactic complexity of the task. The article presents examples of the proposed method use, analyzed the results.
didactics, content analysis, physics, complexity, term, learning task
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