from 01.01.1983 to 01.01.2022
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The article presents the authors' view on managerial work in consumer cooperation, the peculiarity of which is the dual nature. It consists in the fact that the cooperative, firstly, carries out economic and financial activities as a business structure and uses managerial labor to organize production processes at its enterprises and bring manufactured products and goods to consumers, meeting the needs of shareholders, and, secondly, it is an association of cooperative members who are in In accordance with the principles and values of the International Cooperative Movement, we must take part in its activities. The expansion of the social base of cooperation – the number of shareholders – is achieved by the organizational work of specialists of the management staff of the Chairman of the Council. It does not have a direct impact on the results of the cooperative organization's activities, but it has a significant indirect impact on them. Currently, in most district and regional cooperative organizations, work with shareholders is not carried out due to the lack of specialists who are able to promote the ideas, principles and values of cooperation, inform them about the forms and effects of participation in the activities of the cooperative, that is, to conduct educational work among both shareholders and the non-cooperative population. The solution to the problem of such a deficit is seen in the need to improve cooperative education by adding professional disciplines to the curricula of specialties and areas of training in higher and secondary professional educational organizations. In the course of the research, methods of reviewing literature sources, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis were used. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of managerial work in consumer cooperation due to the dual nature of cooperation. The objectives of the study include the characterization of managerial labor; demonstration of the place of organizational labor as an integral part of managerial labor due to the dual nature of cooperation; the author's formulation of the definition of organizational labor in consumer cooperation; justification of the need for professional training of specialists who are carriers of organizational labor in educational organizations of consumer cooperation.
managerial work; organizational work; dual nature of managerial work; association of shareholders; cooperative education
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