Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this research is the use 5 stages of standardized methodology of compression elastography based on a preliminary assessment of gray-scale images, qualitative and semi-quantitative elastography. The authors give comparative characteristics of diagnostic efficiency and reproducibility standard data and propose the elastography in 3419 people with focal lesions of the breast, thyroid, regional lymph nodes, pancreas. The article presents the ways of nationwide discussion of standardized recommendations for compression elastography. Analysis of the data shows the advantage of the proposed standardized methodology of compression elastography. The evaluation of diagnostic and prognostic values of routine and standardized methods sonoelastography was carried out. Statistics are distributed as follows: in a routine method, the specificity is 90.3%, the sensitivity is estimated at 82.4%, the accuracy - 86,7%, AUC is equal 0,892 with 95% confidence interval [0,872 – 0,974]. In a standardized method, the specificity is 93.8%, the sensitivity is 84.7%, the accuracy – 88.5%, AUC is 0,938 with 95% confidence interval [0,889 – 0,981]. The non-specificity of the standardized compression sonoelastography method allows its use in any pathology of internal organs and tissues. Strict adherence to the stages of the standardized elastography contributes to the formation of a precise protocol elastographic examination.

compression sonoelastography, endosonography

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