The article presents a retrospective analysis of 1000 medical records of patients suffering from CGP varying of different degree of severity, which were divided into two subgroups: BMI≥25 kg\m2 (572 patients), and BMI<25 kg\m2 (428 patients). A retrospective analysis has demenstrated a direct correlation of severity and frequency of the combination of CGP somatic disease (CVD, type 2 diabetes, diseases of the lungs and HKT ) in patients with a BMI≥25 kg/m2. The authors also presented a correlation analysis of the relationship of gravity CGP with biochemical status in 73 patients with CGP and BMI≥25 kg\m2, which conducted the study lipid - carbohydrate spectra of blood, activity state of systemic inflammation and oxidative status, the biomass of the bacterial flora of the mouth and intestines before and after treatment with the added attraction of probiotics (Simbiolakt comp.) and antioxidants (Ubiquinone comp.). The revealed high direct correlations bleeding index and severity of CGP (rIK - StHGP=0.89), BMI and bleeding index (rIMT - IR=0.79), atherogenic plasma (IA) and CGP (rIK -NA=0.72), pro-inflammatory status and BMI (rIMT - MDA=0.87) allowed the authors to conclude - CGP varying severity is independent risk factor for CVD in patients with a BMI≥25 kg\m2.
chronic periodontitis (CGP), atherogenic dyslipidemia, abdominal-visceral type of obesity, systemic inflammation, cardio - vascular diseases (CVD).
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