This article reveals the essence of the problems of development of spatial imagination is a fundamental factor in the professional competence of a specialist engineer associated with low spatial imagination on the one hand and the lack of an integrated approach to solving this problem. Existing solutions in the system of higher technical education do not reflect a systemic vision of the development of spatial imagination of students as a priority direction of development of the creative qualities of students. The authors focus their research attention on solving the problem of the development of spatial thinking, aims to improve achievement in the study of graphic disciplines. Scientifically developed model of the development of spatial imagination in the system of higher technical education on the basis of current knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, we have not identified. The problem of development of spatial imagination in teaching descriptive geometry in higher technical educational institutions remains open to theoretical interpretation and experimental study. We believe the lack of integration with modern scientific data, the lack of a systematic vision for tackling the development of spatial imagination leads to the fact that students of technical universities face serious difficulties in the learning process, are unable to develop professional competence. Presents revealed the way to solve pedagogical problems in the conditions of intensification of educational process at the Department of descriptive geometry, as it is graphic activity contributes to the development of spatial imagination with the use of rational methods of teaching. The solution is based on pedagogical modeling, in which developed interactive educational content a teacher of descriptive geometry, which is the practical embodiment of the modern development of pedagogy in the development of skills and creative abilities of students. In interactive educational content includes methods of influencing students to enhance perceptions of educational information with the individualization of the educational trajectory: a channel on YouTube, sites, teachers, e-scientists allowances made in the format of lectures.
spatial imagination, professional competence, students of a technical college, perception, pedagogical modeling, interactive educational content, graphic activity.
Переход на новые образовательные стандартыизменяет подход к развитию профессиональных компетенций инженеров. Это выдвигает на первый план такую составляющую квалификационных характеристик, как творческие качества, когда студенты становятся способными генерировать и воплощать новые оригинальные идеи, решать нестандартные задачи. Поэтому одним из важнейших требований при обучении студентов в высших технических учебных заведениях должно стать развитие важного компонента творческой деятельности – пространственного воображения [2; 4; 8; 9].
Особенно остро данная проблема стоит на первом курсе при преподавании начертательной геометрии, так как этот предмет требует способностей к динамическим преобразованиям исходных образов, которые у студентов развиты недостаточно.
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