Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The article describes and analyzes the experience of conducting workshops on the topic "Ethics and axiology of science" for graduate students and applicants for academic degrees of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev. The authors reveal the effectiveness of this type of educational technology for the formation of professionally important qualities of highly qualified teaching staff. Workshops on this topic, included in the course "History and Philosophy of Science", proved to be effective in the formation of both research and professional ethical competencies. The authors show how the participants of the seminar develop the skills to identify problematic, ethically ambiguous situations in science, analyze violations and their consequences, and offer acceptable solutions in the course of the classes. The material of the article is an illustrative example of how future teachers (and their already practicing colleagues) get the opportunity to reflect on their own professional activities and its methodological foundations.
pedagogical experiment, applied ethics, interactive educational technologies, situational analysis, professional responsibility
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