Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of young people’s ideas about the quality of higher education in Omsk based on the results of a survey in which 205 high school students and students took part. 69% of schoolchildren believe that Omsk universities are not capable of providing a high quality education, and about 90% of them rated the degree of determination to leave the city (more than 7 points on a 10-point scale). At the same time, only 42% of students, who have a more complete picture of the quality of university education, negatively assessed the level of education in the universities of Omsk. Thus, one of the important factors affecting the intensity of educational migration flows is the lack of awareness of school graduates about the possibilities of obtaining a quality education in Omsk, therefore, one of the tasks of Omsk universities is a more active positioning in the market of educational services.

quality of education, educational migration, questioning, students, higher education

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