Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the features of the updated Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES PGE) 2021, which affect the teaching of the Russian language in general and in the first grade in particular. Changes in subject content and subject results are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the arguments in favor of the active use of sound analysis of words and the independent construction of word models. Directions of work on the content line "Development of speech" are revealed. The importance of complex work on meta-subject and subject results in Russian language lessons is substantiated. The notion of “functional literacy” introduced for the first time in the text of the updated standard is noted, which is interpreted as the ability to solve educational problems and life problem situations on the basis of the formed subject, meta-subject and universal methods of activity.

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education; subject "Russian language"; first grade students; literacy training; modeling; oral and written speech

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