Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
The main stages of the development of additive manufacturing technologies at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, reflecting the formation of this progressive manufacturing activity in Russia, are viewed. The need for mass production of domestic installations is demonstrated.
additive technique, stereolithography (SLA), layer powdery growth, laser complexes
1. Grigoryants A.G., Shiganov I.N., Misyurov A.I. Tekhnologicheskie protsessy lazernoi obrabotki [Technological processes of laser treatment], Textbook for high schools, ed. by A.G. Grigoryants/Moscow: Bauman MSTU Publish-ers, 2006, p. 664, ill. (in Russian).
2. Grigoryants A.G. Scientific school at the De-partment of "Laser technologies in Mechanical Engineering",Bauman Moscow State Technical University. [Collected papers]Technology of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, no. 11, pp.5-73.; ill.
3. Grigoryants A.G., Shiganov I.N., Misyurov A.I. Laser additive technologies in mechanical engi-neering: Textbook, ed. by A.G. Grigoryants / Moscow: Bauman MSTU Publishers, 2018, 278 p.
4. Grigoryants A.G., Kazaryan M.A.,Lyabin N.A. Laser Precision Misprocessing of Materials, CRS Press, Boca Raton, London, New-York, 2019, 427p.