Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article is devoted to an actual problem - the study of the problems of pedagogical communication in modern higher education, the design and modeling of a modern teacher. Modern realities, state and social orders are changing the requirements for competencies and skills of hard skills and soft skills, predicting future skills. Aim. The purpose of the article is to develop the design of a modern university teacher by analyzing current trends in the transformation of higher education and pedagogical communication. Methodology and methods. The study is based on the integrative-competence paradigm and professional approach. Research methods: analytical review of literary sources and the content of the research, pedagogical modeling and design, included observation, analysis, synthesis, generalization. Results. Based on the analysis of literary sources, current trends in the transformation of higher education and pedagogical communication, the requirements for a modern teacher and problems in pedagogical communication are determined. Scientific novelty lies in the identification and systematization of a set of requirements for a modern teacher, which replenishes scientific knowledge about pedagogical communication. Practical significance. The results of the study can be useful for developing ideas about the formation of professional competence of a university teacher and can be applied by them in the process of self-development, professional development.

pedagogical communication, modern teacher, professional culture, hard skills, soft skills, future skills

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