Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper focuses on the actual problems of the functioning of proverbs in communicative episodes based on a literary text and their role in the semantic micro- and macrostructure. The analysis was performed using a cognitive-communicative model of describing the meaning of a proverb in discourse. Aim. Consideration of the possibilities of modeling the realization of the meaning of proverbs about learning in communicative episodes based on the material of English and Russian literary texts and identification of the features of their functioning in this type of discourse, taking into account their linguistic and cultural affiliation. Methodology and research methods. The following methods were used to analyze proverbs in a literary text: linguistic and philological analysis of communicative episodes (based on a literary text), dictionary definitions analysis, linguo-cultural method, the method of cognitive-discursive modeling. Results. The functioning of proverbs in artistic discourse, as well as certain cultural differences in the attitude of representatives of two comparable linguistic cultures (Russian and English) to learning, taking into account the age of the trainees, are revealed. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is that trends in the functioning of proverbs about learning have been identified, taking into account their linguistic and cultural affiliation, and the results obtained can be used in further study of their role in the communicative act. Practical significance. The practical significance of the research is that the results obtained can be used for deeper integration into intercultural communication and linguistic and cultural aspects of translation.

proverb, communicative act, literary text, cognitive-discursive modelling, linguo-culture

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