Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.21 Термическая и упрочняющая обработка
Parts made of heat-resistant nickel alloys are subjected to mechanical stress and exposure to aggressive high-temperature environment during operation. These factors cause accelerated wear of metal surfaces. It is effective to use laser radiation to modify the surfaces of heat-resistant nickel alloys in order to obtain hardened and wear-resistant structures. The article describes the results of a study of the effects of laser heat treatment and laser alloying on the wear resistance of heat-resistant nickel alloy KhN70VMTYu. The experimental results convincingly prove that the effect of laser radiation, in which there is no melting of the surface layers of the KhN70VMTYu alloy, increases wear resistance by 2.25 times. Exposure to laser radiation leads to the formation of ultrafine structures on the treated surface due to high heating and cooling rates. The effect of laser alloying on the wear resistance of the KhN70VMTYu alloy was studied, it was proved that after irradiation with individual laser pulses with surface melting and the introduction of cobalt aluminide, the wear resistance of the alloy under study increases by 3.4 times.
laser heat treatment, laser alloying, wear resistance, wear rate, nickel alloys
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