Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the modern socio-cultural situation associated with the educational process in higher educational institutions. The most important goal is the formation of a citizen's personality, focused on Russian traditional spiritual and moral values. The concept of the development of forms and methods of extracurricular and educational work involves the creation of a projective model of the personality of a graduate with a higher education, the implementation of which, as the ultimate goal, should be guided by the entire educational process of the institute. Patriotism as a value largely determines the ideas contained in the President's annual messages to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The programs proposed by the President are aimed at harmonizing modern Russian society, focusing primarily on young people. The main task of the educational process is to carry out systematic and purposeful work on the formation of a Russian civic identity in student youth, a feeling of love for the Fatherland, responsibility for its condition and development, an active civic position, and readiness to fulfill civic duty. As priority values in the educational activities of the institute, the student acts as a person in his originality and uniqueness, his world in the unity of external manifestations and internal experiences, his rights and vital interests. Technological methods of organizing art and journalistic programs are proposed for consideration and practical implementation. The paper presents the specifics of the organization of an artistic and publicistic program in the context of modern innovative creative activity. The problem of civil-patriotic education of young people is highlighted as one of the most important problems of state youth policy. The art and journalistic program is presented as a bright spectacular form of cultural and leisure activities.

civil-patriotic education, educational process, vocational education, youth, drama, compositional construction, artistic and publicistic program

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