Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the relevance of the idea that career guidance is a significant factor of students’ pedagogical support in a changing labor market and demanding requirements of society and employers for professional's background. The paper displays the author's approaches to changing priorities, identifying new meanings in the career guidance, focused on a vision of the future, the "professions (occupations) of the future" and the formation of such meta-professional personal qualities that will allow learners and students to become competitive and sought-after specialists on the labor market throughout their lives. The article describes some particular forms of career guidance performed for learners, students and adults under conditions of an advanced (proactive) professional training center and educational and technological cluster, based on close interaction and cooperation with enterprises and social partners.

career guidance, vocational self-determination, educational support, advanced (proactive) vocational training center, integration and cooperation, educational and technological cluster

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