The purpose of the article is to determine the conceptual apparatus associated with the business environment of the company, to analyze various terms characterizing it, to characterize the structure of the business space, to consider the features of the business environment in modern conditions. In the course of the study, the blurring of the boundaries of organizations was emphasized, it was noted that in the conditions of widespread use of various forms of intercompany integration, the rigid opposition of the internal and external environment of the company is incorrect. During the study of the structure of the business space, its multi-level nature, the mutual influence of factors was revealed. It is proposed to consider the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the business space. The impact of the business space on the company's activities and, in turn, the influence of companies on its formation is investigated. Macro-level factors have an impact on the meso-level, and that in turn has an impact on the micro-level of the business environment. If it is practically impossible to influence or control the macroenvironment of a company, then the micro-level factors of the business space may directly depend on the company's activities. Companies are able to actively influence their environment in order to form the most convenient business space for themselves.
organization, business space, macro business space, meso business space, micro business space, business system
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