The article analyzes the prevailing opinion of modern scientists about the loss of effectiveness and justification for maintaining the status of the leading form of education for the lecture, in particular for the basic discipline "Life Safety". This is especially connected with the recent tragic events in the educational institutions of Russia. The widespread opinion that a lecture is not an effective form of education that does not arouse interest among most students and, when interactive forms and types of education are introduced, is moribund and basically useless, has no evidence base and is not always objective. The author has drawn conclusions and expresses a firm conviction that the lecture remains the main and so far indispensable form of cognition for reproduction, even in the online learning format. The article provides justifications for this paradigm. Modern technology and digitalization of the education system using interactive forms and methods, allows, through reading and practical demonstration of actions of a different nature, to intelligibly convey to first-year students complex forms of legislative and legal principles and theoretical aspects of life safety to protect the population and economic facilities in various emergency situations.
transformation of the educational process, lecture, interactive forms and methods, life safety
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