Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the problem under study is due to the search for new forms of interaction in the field of cultural industries located at the intersection of education and tourism. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to develop a new cultural and educational interactive product within the framework of the development of creative tourism in the Kaluga region, reflecting the society's demand for new forms of interaction. Inclusion in the information and communication space of the region is most successful if there is interaction with the addressee of communication (consumer) at different levels: semantic, emotional, technological, event-based. The main research methods are analysis, generalization, modeling, observation, testing. Using the example of a local history quest using modern educational storytelling technology, the ways of involving foreign guests, as well as representatives of national and cultural autonomies living in the Kaluga region, in active knowledge of the historical and cultural features of Kaluga and the region are shown. The "pocket guide" tool developed for completing the quest not only provides a meaningful filling of the communicative space, but also through special tasks offers to make independent observations of cultural objects of the city and region, helps to find answers to questions during the quiz, involves participants in dialogue and co-creativity, forms a national and cultural identity in a multicultural environment. This study helps to identify new communication channels and means of information transmission based on modern technologies that allow to obtain new effects in the interaction of subjects - educational, cultural, social.

interaction, creative tourism, local history educational quest, foreign guests, information and communication technologies, storytelling, travel guide

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