Moscow, Russian Federation
The article deals with rural tourism as a rapidly growing sector of the tourism industry associated with the use for marketing purposes natural, cultural, historical, ethnographic and other resources in rural areas and their specific features for the creation and implementation of an integrated tourism product that reflects the image of the rural way of life and rural culture and customs, traditional rural labor. The article highlights the main problems impeding the development of rural tourism market, reveals the leading trends and factors associated with it. The authors analyze the main reasons that slow down the development of rural tourism in Russia. Based on a market research of the consumer market of Moscow identified are the basic needs of tourists in the market for rural tourism. Highlighted are the features of the market development of rural tourism in regions, in particular related to the network-centric model where the most important focus is placed for rural destinations. The authors draw attention to the role of tourism in sustainable development of rural settlements. Discussed arelegal and regulatory frameworks, incentive programs for rural tourism market. Highlighted are the priority factors for rural tourism development in regions of the Russian Federation: the legal framework of rural tourism development; support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of rural tourism; a network-centric unified regional marketing strategy to promote rural tourism products; formation and promotion of rural tourism products; the involvement of the population in the movement for healthy lifestyle; training for rural tourism; skills of the rural population in the field of tourism services.
rural tourism, market trends, sustainable development, main factors
Сельский туризм как эффективная основа развития сельских поселений. Выступая активно развивающимся сектором туристской индустрии, сельский туризм связан с использованием природных, культурно-исторических, этнографических и других ресурсов сельских территорий и их специфических особенностей для создания и реализации комплексного туристского продукта, отражающего сельский образ и уклад жизни, сельские культуру и обычаи, традиционный сельский труд.
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