The article focuses on the issue of decriminalization of manufacturing and sales of edged weapons in the Russian criminal law. The social danger of such acts was analyzed. Law enforcement practice shows that in the process of crime execution edged weapons are rarely used. More frequently people use various items which objectively possess sufficient destructive ability but which are not edged weapons. The absence of statistics on the use of edged weapons as a crime instrument, as well as the lack of differences between edged weapons and items used as weapons in the classification of crimes is identified. The conclusion was drawn that the application or use of objects that are recognized as edged weapons, and items that are not recognized as such is of no legal significance for the qualification of the criminal action. The author justifies the need for exclusion of articles related to manufacturing and sales of the edged weapons from the criminal code. Conclusions are made on the basis of studying the materials of the Russian judicial practice and the results of surveys of investigators from internal affairs agencies and investigative committee in the Primorye Territory.
Edged weapons, manufacture, sale, decriminalization.
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