The article analyzes problems of legislative enforcement of transparency of the public authorities’ activities. It also addresses such spheres of public activity that are important for the state and society, as budget and town planning. The article analyzes the dynamics of the provisions of the following legislations: budgetary legislation (procedures for the creation of the budgets’ operational and capital expenses, allocation of the special-purpose financial aid for capital expenses), and town-planning legislation (the order of drafting, discussion and adoption of documents for territorial planning and their amendments). The conclusion is drawn that in the past decade legal conditions for lesser transparency in preparation and decision-making by the public authorities were created at the federal level in the budgetary and town-planning sphere. To overcome these negative tendencies in the legislation it is necessary to establish not only clear transparent provisions regulating the order of decision-making, but also scientifically grounded substantive rules (such as, for example, minimum fiscal capacity standards, state minimum social standards in the public sector, state town-planning standards in the town-planning sphere). The presence in the legislation of the body of these rules will create legislative conditions for the public authority’s activities in the interests of the state and society, for the adoption of clear-cut and transparent decisions.
Public authority’s transparency, budgetary activity, town-planning activity, body of scientifically grounded substantive rules and rules of proceedings.
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