Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Department “Economy and Organization Management”, Professor)
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Professor)
All organizations involved in creating added value can be described using business models that represent their activities in an aggregated form. The business model answers an important business question about its value and effectiveness. The relationship of the business model with the quality management system (QMS) of the organization expands its ability to create a competitive business unit. If the organization's quality management system complies with international standards (ISO), then the level of competitiveness of a given business unit can be defined as international. Integration processes taking place in socio-economic relations provide for a significant role of standards in the activities of organizations that meet world standards. By creating a chain of interconnection of business models with the QMS, it is possible to increase the international and global level of sustainability of business units, as well as the territories in which they are located. The consequence of these processes is the increase in the efficiency of the implementation of development strategies and the reduction of risks caused by the loss of economic security.
business models, business units, competitiveness, economic security, quality system, management system, development sustainability, efficiency, penetration theory, integration
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